I Want

I want to write about how I’m aggressively unmotivated to do anything concerning progression in my degree. I want to write about how completely unattached to my family I feel I have become. So blissfully and yet painfully unattached. I want to write about how I have no feelings of sadness or grief associated with losing those around me to the real world. Especially with regard to one specific female who once was my best and has recently become my nothing. I want to write about the all-consuming, soul-devouring, euphoric love I feel for him. I want to write about how being apart makes me a bitter spiteful little thing. I want to write about how I obsess about every other freckle, every note of laughter, every intake of air, every inch of life, every pigment of his eyes, every damn thing about him.

I want to write but most importantly I just want to live


Yep. I’ve been away for literal years blah blah sorry etc and so on.

A few posts back I mentioned that I had fallen heavily for a boy after a uno-nighto-stando who played laura marlz on guitar for me the morning after and proclaimed that this was not how a ‘love story’ starts. Big news is that I have now celebrated my 7 month anniversary with this same boyo! SEVEN MONTHS PEOPLE! That is a ridiculous land mark for me. I’ve never been able to have a steady relationship for that long with anything never mind anyONE.

We have since even been to see laura marling in birmingham! I’m grossing you out aren’t I? And the maccabees and lucy rose and an we would have seen Bombay Bicycle Club if we hadn’t got in a big car crash (that wrote off his cue car clive) on the way!

I disgust myself with how much I like him.

Off to Brighton We Go

This is a post about the film Quadrophenia and not about a trip to the sea side. Deceptive no? My new friend recommended it to me and I was very pleasantly surprised. First off, how can you not love a film about the conflict between ‘mods’ and ‘rockers’?! Well probably quite easily, but this was really good, honest! It’s all about Jimmy, your typical London-dwelling angst teen mod, who loves his mirror and flag adorned scooter, who is simply misunderstood by all generations especially his ma and pa. Don’t you just relate to that immediately? No? Well okay then. Him and his pill-popping gang have so much hate for the ‘rockers’, who wear leather and ride motorcycles (that’s how you tell who’s who) and they go around beating each other up. Modern day Romeo and Juliet without the love bit.. So not similar at all.

Anyhoo they have this mad weekend in Brighton, lots of fighting on the beach, lots of the popo, bit of sexy time with the love interest and STING. Yes that’s right STING turns up looking extremely fierce and disturbingly attractive in a silver trench coat get up and the blondest hair known to mankind. Immediately the film became one of my all time favourites. It all goes down hill after STING appears and Jimbob quits his job, gets dumped and generally goes off his rocker (not a rocker) and drives STING’s flash scooter off a cliff leaving us with a did he? did he not? kill himself sort of vibe. 

BAM! Now that’s a film ladies and gents. 

enjoy some sting on me x

They Always Come Crawling (or driving) Back

The ‘they’ in the title is me. I have been away from the wonderful world of boring people with my nonsense for quite a while. I have no legit reason for the disappearing act and that’s that.

I am happy to report that I am now the driver of a cute, old, little Fiat Punto named Patrice (obviously darling!). I am queen of the road, empress of the motorways and unfortunately the village idiot of hill-starts. Learning to drive in a car that has cool automatic electric handbrake button was a grave mistake. Patrice, like me, is technologically challenged and so I have had to learn how to use a normal handbrake. DRAMA CENTRAL. To those unlucky bastards ever behind me on a hill, I am sorry, but more importantly, beeping at me (shockingly) will not help to speed up the process!

NB. I am currently hopelessly infatuated with a boy who played Laura Marling to me on guitar the morning of a one-night occurrence.  We’ve been talking but c’mon this is not how true love stories start.




They’re going to ruin it.

Oh hey yeah, it’s been a long, long while etc etc passed my first year and been to a festival over summer but let’s get back to what is really important here.. THEY ARE GOING TO RUIN ONE OF MY FAVOURITE BOOKS EVER!

‘They’ being the people who have made a film version of ‘The Book Thief’ which is an incredible book written by Markus Zusak. This book is one of the very few that has managed to make me full on cry. Like real, actual tears and sobbing. It is one emotional book and no I’m not going to ruin it for everyone because I thoroughly recommend reading it. But seriously, HOW COULD THEY! 

I’m one of those people (everyone who ever reads) who believes that no film can ever live up to the original book. It’s just so much better when it’s in your head. Solely your imagination and the author’s words. You become so emotionally involved with a book, whereas watching a film can’t even be called a fling in comparison. And that is from someone who is in love with films.

Rant over now. Although I can’t decide whether I want to watch it or not. Is it worth the heartbreak? 

Thanks Guys (!)

So I decided to revise out in the courtyard in the glorious sunshine the other day. Fantastic idea right? Literally could not have been more wrong. After reading for a good few hours my eyes got a little tired and I fell asleep lying out on the blanket in the sun. Not only did this result in a very bad one sided tan but also something a little peculiar.

When I eventually woke, which I might add was only about half an hour later, I found that all my notes had been replaced by one handwritten piece of paper. ‘If you want your precious notes back you’re going to have to do a strip tease for us. We’re watching the courtyard in anticipation of seeing a lot more of your lush self. From your revision stealing admirers.’ What the fuck right! I scanned the courtyard but couldn’t exactly see into any of the windows due to the sun.

Unfortunately what could have been a terribly exciting story ends with the fact that I had typed up versions of the notes and so didn’t actually need them back. I decided to leave my own note with a simple ‘no thanks honey’ and headed back inside. 

Seriously boys is stealing my revision the only way you can get any action? That’s a little sucky.

In other news I have finally finished all my exams and until the results only merriment with lots of dancing and alcohol will ensue. Yay for me but not so much for my purse or liver. ParDy!


In a poor attempt of revision I decided to repaint my nails with glittery nail stuff. This seemed like a very wise idea but now as I look around what looks like a glitter explosion I’m starting to regret the decision. It’s all over my face and hair and most importantly my bed. I wonder how the guy staying over will feel about this. He will go to sleep as a man and wake.. as a DIVA! 

Anyway it’s a well known fact that the key to a successful exam if great nails right? Yep, thought so. 

Some Form of Torture

The weather being this glorious when I have to stay inside and pretend to revise is totally cruel and unfair. And yes I may have taken a short four hour break to go to the park but it’s still just mean.

Spent a good hour on the swings. The judgey mum crowd were shooting evil looks at us as we had competitions to see who could go the highest and then jump off at peak height. You’d never know that we’re all nearly twenty (silently freaking out about how old I am) by the way we were all running around and giggling. It was a good distraction from the failing of my exams I must say. Regretting it now. Last minute cramming is disgusting.

Squeeze me?!

I have not been posting much as I am currently super busy failing my exams.

Yesterday before my exam I happened to be sitting on the floor outside the room waiting to go in, as you do, when this super hot guy walks past into the room whilst giving me a ‘she’s defs insane’ look. Turns out hot guy was an invigilator in the exam. It’s inconsiderate for him to look like that, soo distracting.

Half way through my exam he comes up to me and asks me to fill in my attendance slip. I then told him in a whisper that I’d already filled one in and seem to have been given a spare one. He then, no joke, looks straight into my eyes and goes ‘well aren’t you a lucky girl then’ and winks. What the actual hell. I’m so unsure why this is happening in the middle of my exam that I respond with a vague attempt at a smile, which ended up being an irritated look and then continue writing. He then stands next to my desk for a whole five minutes before moving away. Seriously?! Even people sat around me commented on his lurking.

Bizarre life I has.