Thanks Guys (!)

So I decided to revise out in the courtyard in the glorious sunshine the other day. Fantastic idea right? Literally could not have been more wrong. After reading for a good few hours my eyes got a little tired and I fell asleep lying out on the blanket in the sun. Not only did this result in a very bad one sided tan but also something a little peculiar.

When I eventually woke, which I might add was only about half an hour later, I found that all my notes had been replaced by one handwritten piece of paper. ‘If you want your precious notes back you’re going to have to do a strip tease for us. We’re watching the courtyard in anticipation of seeing a lot more of your lush self. From your revision stealing admirers.’ What the fuck right! I scanned the courtyard but couldn’t exactly see into any of the windows due to the sun.

Unfortunately what could have been a terribly exciting story ends with the fact that I had typed up versions of the notes and so didn’t actually need them back. I decided to leave my own note with a simple ‘no thanks honey’ and headed back inside. 

Seriously boys is stealing my revision the only way you can get any action? That’s a little sucky.

In other news I have finally finished all my exams and until the results only merriment with lots of dancing and alcohol will ensue. Yay for me but not so much for my purse or liver. ParDy!


In a poor attempt of revision I decided to repaint my nails with glittery nail stuff. This seemed like a very wise idea but now as I look around what looks like a glitter explosion I’m starting to regret the decision. It’s all over my face and hair and most importantly my bed. I wonder how the guy staying over will feel about this. He will go to sleep as a man and wake.. as a DIVA! 

Anyway it’s a well known fact that the key to a successful exam if great nails right? Yep, thought so. 

Some Form of Torture

The weather being this glorious when I have to stay inside and pretend to revise is totally cruel and unfair. And yes I may have taken a short four hour break to go to the park but it’s still just mean.

Spent a good hour on the swings. The judgey mum crowd were shooting evil looks at us as we had competitions to see who could go the highest and then jump off at peak height. You’d never know that we’re all nearly twenty (silently freaking out about how old I am) by the way we were all running around and giggling. It was a good distraction from the failing of my exams I must say. Regretting it now. Last minute cramming is disgusting.

Squeeze me?!

I have not been posting much as I am currently super busy failing my exams.

Yesterday before my exam I happened to be sitting on the floor outside the room waiting to go in, as you do, when this super hot guy walks past into the room whilst giving me a ‘she’s defs insane’ look. Turns out hot guy was an invigilator in the exam. It’s inconsiderate for him to look like that, soo distracting.

Half way through my exam he comes up to me and asks me to fill in my attendance slip. I then told him in a whisper that I’d already filled one in and seem to have been given a spare one. He then, no joke, looks straight into my eyes and goes ‘well aren’t you a lucky girl then’ and winks. What the actual hell. I’m so unsure why this is happening in the middle of my exam that I respond with a vague attempt at a smile, which ended up being an irritated look and then continue writing. He then stands next to my desk for a whole five minutes before moving away. Seriously?! Even people sat around me commented on his lurking.

Bizarre life I has.

It Tastes So Sweet

Freedom is what tastes so damn sweet. Along with my well deserved bag of skittles. Finished my last important exam yesterday and to top that it even went well! Which was a relief from the nasty paper that was chemistry. As if A-level chemistry isn’t hard enough, they threw in the fire alarm going off half way through so we could all assemble outside in the cold just for fun. Overall a disastrous paper and one that I’m sure will affect my chances of getting into Uni. And not in a positive way. But still when my family asked how it went I still answered ‘fine.’ That’s my answer to every question ever asked about any exam because I’d rather not give them hope that it went well or disappoint them that I’ve clearly failed. 

This newfound freedom would probably taste even sweeter if I could enjoy it properly. Firstly it’s all rainy and so my hopes of sitting in pub gardens, wearing summer dresses, sipping a cold pimms and lemonade are totally gone. Secondly I’m getting very ill. The cold has progressed and now breathing is becoming difficult hence sleeping is difficult. Being wrapped up in my duvet on the sofa in front of the tv is far from the fun I thought I would be having. Oh well. Why complain? I have three whole months to enjoy it.

Allergic to Home

There are a few reasons behind my title choice. Firstly I’ve got all sniffly, itchy-eyed and rashy armed. Here we go again I think teeny bit of summer and my body just refuses to cooperate. The weird thing is I only ever feel that way when inside my own house. It’s worst just before I go to sleep and just when I wake up. So usually when I’m horizontal and in bed. You must be thinking it’s my bed but I’ve stopped sleeping in it and it still occurs! As soon as I step outside I’m fine. Hmph.

Second reason is because I literally cannot wait to leave the hellish environment that is my home. The sentiment of home sweet home does not apply to my household. It’s more home bitter home. Leaving here will literally be the best thing that has ever happened to me and I’ve been looking forward to it for as long as I can remember. Don’t get me wrong my family can be nice at times. Very rare times. All four of us are just very different people and we just don’t get on in the ways a family maybe should. Having all of us in one room will definitely end up in an argument. So moving on will be fantastic and as October isn’t that far away it’s hard to keep my excitement contained.

Don’t really know what else to say because I know I’m just wasting precious last minute revision time. This time tomorrow I will be a happier, revision free person. So come on biology do your worst. Actually please don’t I need an A to escape.

A Pirate’s Life for Me

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Been caught up in the failure of my examinations. Jealous right? Only two to go now though so not too bad. I’ve also taken to sleeping on the floor now but it’s too dull, and involves a lot more ranting than I feel is necessary, to mention. The creepy cat has now taken to stalking me to the bus stop in the mornings. I’ll be more freaked out if I get off a bus and he’s there waiting for me. Get a life kitty!

So I’ve been shopping a few times as a revision distraction. I’ve not particularly bought anything though unless you count buying a white chocolate mocha to keep me company whilst I browse. Recently I’ve been picking up a lot of little items like bracelets, necklaces, lip balms etc and realising that there is no tag on them at all. First thought that pops into my mind is ‘maybe I should just slip into my bag, no one will know right?’. I know some of you will be sat there judging me. How can you even think about stealing? Taking someone’s hard work and not even paying them? How dare you refuse those poor sweatshop workers of their pitiful income?! Obviously those thoughts do occur, just later. The urge to just take stuff has been harder and harder to resist but don’t worry I’m not the thieving insane person just yet. But it’s made me think I’d be totally okay with the pirate lifestyle back in the day. Plus their fashion sense (or what I like to believe is their fashion sense from films) is fabulous. I’d happily take silver earrings, an eye patch, a stripy shirt, swashbuckling boots and a cracking hat over jeans and a tee any day. So we’d be the bad guys? Small price to pay. 

The Fear

What fear I’m guessing you’re thinking? Unfortunately not the Ben Howard song although I have that too. But I mean the exam fear. The I’ve only just finished my notes for an exam tomorrow and now I’m writing a totally unrelated essay fear. The I don’t know anything about the exam tomorrow or the one the day after either fear. The I will fuck up my exams and not get into Uni and have to stay here for another year with my mental parents fear. That exact fear that I’m sure everyone has experienced or will experience at least once in their lifetime. I think its hitting me hard because usually I am the most laid back person ever. I usually take exams in my stride and revision has never been an issue because I don’t usually do it and that usually works. But I can’t risk relying on just what I’ve absorbed in my lessons this time so I have tried my best to revise. But being new at it I left it last minute and now I have the oh so dreaded fear. Totally my own fault. And now back to the books.

Dancing Round the Kitchen

Two exams down and four to go. Now surely I should be a little relieved that two have gone, but weirdly it’s making me more nervous. Probably because I’m no where near ready for the next ones. Anyway you may be wondering about the title. Well when I get nervous I apparently become hilarious to watch. Like most people, I find it hard to contain my nerves, but the way in which it manifests itself is something quite crazy. I get really giddy and laugh a little too much at just about anything. I also find that doing my ‘I’m so nervous!!’ dances round the kitchen help. Another thing is that I go around smiling like a maniac. So if you ever come across me laughing at terrible jokes, busting out my best kitchen disco moves and wearing a ridiculous smile that kinda freaks you out.. I’m definitely nervous about something. I’d then advise you to hand me a glass of decent wine, a packet of skittles and stick on a heartbreaking film. Then prepare yourself to watch a girl who can’t usually cry at anything real, blubber like a baby at something fictional. Think that’s a little messed up? I’m just getting started.

New Surroundings

Only one day into this blogging business and a turn of events has occurred. I have upped sticks and moved. So the place isn’t completely strange but its different nonetheless. Not my place.  It’s colder and a hell of a lot quieter. Just had to set up the broadband here. It’s funny how you can become so used to things like the internet, and when it’s not there you get sort of shocked and wonder what you did without it.

The table where I’m hoping to revise is facing a big, garish mirror. I can’t stop looking at my reflection and messing with my hair and pouting. It’s not vanity it’s just hard to ignore it. Okayy fine, maybe I do like looking at myself a little more than your average Joe but hey don’t judge me.

I guess I’ll get a decent amount of revision done here though.. right? Wrong. I think I’ll go ahead and catch up on my Grey’s with a glass of red to keep me company.